West Virginia Local Government "Purchasing & Fleet Card"

The Local Government Purchasing Card Program was implemented in 2009 to provide local governments within the State of West Virginia an effective, streamlined process for making purchases while earning rebates. Since the program’s inception over 25 million dollars has been dispersed to local governments in the form of rebates. If your government is interested in the Local Government Purchasing Card Program download the brochure below and/or scroll to the contact form, fill in your information, and we will have one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members contact you.

 Our government is interested in signing up for the Local Purchasing Card Program

Why should your local government sign-up?

Currently, there are more than 300 local governments participating in the Local Government Purchasing Card Program. This program has grown from 42,455 transactions totaling $16.4 million dollars in 2009, to 351,434 transactions totaling over $200 million dollars in 2019. Since the program began, approximately $28,095,094 dollars in cash rebates have been dispersed to local governments.

Today, there are over 6,600 Local Government P-Cards in use by participating governments. Would your local government like to be a part of this program and realize cash rebates?

How do you get started?

The West Virginia State Auditor's Office will help you decide which card is right for your employees and/or departments. We will also assist you in setting up credit limits and authorization strategies. Once you sign a participation agreement, and assign a Purchasing Card Coordinator on your staff, you will then obtain cardholder agreements from anyone to whom you issue a P-Card.

Is support available?

The WVSAO will provide training to cardholders, card coordinators and approving managers. We have an operations department that stands ready to meet your card maintenance needs including credit card limit changes; card cancellations; and requests for new cards. Or, your P-Card coordinator can perform these functions through the electronic web-based platform.

Once you begin using your P-Cards, we also provide enhanced monitoring to detect potentially fradulent transactions. We will also get financial reports and match vendors for payments to maximize card utilization, thereby increasing your cash rebate.

Depending on the computer system you have, our field representatives will set your entitiy up to load export files into your general ledger system to record expenses.

What about rebates?

In fiscal year 2019, $2,218,752 dollars were distributed to local governments in the form of cash rebates. The rebates for this program have increased five-fold since the project began in 2009. These are dollars that can be used for equipment, civic improvements, or whatever is needed at your own discretion.

Currently, you will be getting rebate payments ranging from 1.25% to 1.85%, based on quarterly volume.

 I want someone to contact me about the Local Government Purchasing Card Program

Thank you for your interest! The Local Government Purchasing Card Program can streamline your purchasing process while earning a rebate on all of your card purchases. Just fill in the information below, click submit and one of our knowledgeable and friendly staff members will be in touch.

